
What is a real success for you?

We live in two worlds, the outer material world and inner subjective world. Most of the time they don’t align.

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What is a real meaning of success?

Everyone wants to be successful and feel successful. But what does that mean?

The definition of success – Success is the status of having achieved and accomplished an aim or objective.

As we live in a materialistic culture our focus is on material things. At the same time materialism is a natural part of being human. The common ideas of success are being wealthy or famous, having a good social status, attaining education degrees, wearing designer clothing…

We chase those things to prove ourselves to others and to discover we chased the wrong things.

Some might define success as having a nice car, a big house, or a social status. On the other hand, some might define it as doing things they love. There isn’t right or wrong. Success comes in a lot of shapes and forms.

Success should be defined by you and you alone, not by your parents, friends, boss, colleagues… Your idea of success doesn’t need to align with some other person’s idea. It’s more about what’s important to you. What makes you happy.

Here is an interesting quote on success:

“Success is really nothing more than the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. This means that any person who knows what they are doing and where they are going is a success. Any person with a goal towards which they are working is a successful person.” Earl Nightingale

What is a real success for you?

The other day I did this journaling practice that I would like to share with you. So, take a pen and a piece of paper if you don’t have a journal yet. 

🔹Write down this question at the top of the page:

 “What is a real success for you?” 

Then separate the page in two by drawing vertically a line. One section is for your work and the other one for your personal life.

Think about the true meaning of success to you for both of these aspects. Write them down.

If you want to go further, imagine vividly how your life looks like when you’re successful. 

It’s important to know the meaning of success for your work and personal life. It will help you pursue YOUR goals and dreams, and not someone’s else. You won’t be pulled in many directions simultaneously when you see people around you achieving their idea of success. At the same time you will have less tendency to compare yourself to them.

We want to pursue the right definition of success, the one that matches our values. Then you can create what you really care for.

If you’re feeling fulfilled, happy, healthy, and loved, to me you’re the most successful person in the world. 

Nobody gets to choose what success is for you!

Thank you for reading this ❣️


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