
True happiness comes from within, through self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-love. When we focus on nurturing our inner world, we unlock the power to create our own sense of peace and fulfillment—independent of anything or anyone outside of ourselves. 

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The most common belief ingrained in us

Today, I want to explore a belief that we carry from a young age—a belief that often limits our ability to experience true happiness and fulfilment. It’s the idea that our happiness, self-worth, and emotional well-being are dependent on something outside of ourselves—a relationship, a job, material possessions, or the validation and approval of others.

This belief is powerful because it can make us feel powerless. When we tie our happiness to external factors, we effectively hand over control of our emotions to circumstances and people outside of our influence. This dependency on things we can’t fully control leads to a constant cycle of seeking and dissatisfaction. No matter how much we achieve or acquire, the fulfilment is often temporary, leaving us craving more.

Moreover, this belief distracts us from our true selves. True happiness and well-being come from within—from cultivating a deep sense of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and inner peace. When we focus on nurturing our inner world, we discover that we have the power to generate happiness independent of external conditions. This inner work is where true transformation begins.


The Pause and Reflect Technique

When you catch yourself feeling not okay inside, take a moment to pause and notice the discomfort. Observe the urge to make the outer world better in order to change the inner one.

Then, bring a warm, friendly and curious attention to what’s happening inside and take a moment to listen and observe. Ask yourself: Why am I not okay? What’s the craving?

Often, your heart craves validation, encouragement, love, or attention. But you can’t fix your inner world by focusing on the outside. Instead of trying to change your emotions, allow yourself to sit with them.

Your mind constantly creates preferences, timelines, and exact paths for how things should be. Yet, what usually happens is that reality doesn’t match these expectations, and you’re not okay with it. We can’t fight our mind, so the only way to deal with it is to learn to sit back and watch the inner voices.

Let’s try to live as much as we can in reality and enjoy the moments unfolding in front of us.

True Happiness: Why You Don't Need External Sources to Feel Fulfilled

It’s important to recognize that while external sources can complement our happiness, they should never define it. We already have everything we need within ourselves to create a fulfilling and joyful life. The journey toward true happiness doesn’t involve searching for it outside of ourselves; instead, it requires us to turn inward and focus on understanding and healing the parts of us that are seeking fulfilment.

Inner work empowers us to create lasting change from within. By cultivating a deep sense of self-awareness and self-love, we build a foundation of happiness that no external source can provide. When we prioritize our inner growth, we realize that everything we need to feel whole, and content is already within us.

Let’s stop trying to reach some imaginary destination where we’ll finally feel happy and better. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to accomplish our goals, but the difference lies in our motivation. When our actions are driven by curiosity, joy, and a desire to express our unique gifts, we move away from working to prove our worth or reach some endpoint. Instead, we begin to enjoy the process, finding fulfilment in the journey itself.

True happiness isn’t about reaching a destination or waiting for something or someone outside of us to change how we feel internally. It’s about embracing the journey, nurturing our inner selves, and finding peace and joy in the present moment.

Thank you for being here! Wishing you true happiness!

Love 💜


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Yoga & Meditation practice teaches us to be present in every moment, to breathe, and to feel. This awareness helps us stay present and grounded, and we learn to appreciate the beauty of life around us. Plant-Based Diet is what will support you in your life experiences so that you feel energised, light & content!

FREE Mini -course

In this free mini-course you’ll learn to:

♦ Cultivate positive emotions like love, compassion and kindness.

♦ Meet your day with clarity, intention and alignment. 

♦ Deal productively with unpleasent emotions.

Develop inner strenght so you can move through the ups and downs of life with ease and a positive attitude!

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