
Spring Awakening Yoga Flow can be a beautiful way to celebrate the season of new beginnings, rejuvenation, and growth.

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Practice beginner's mind

I love spring. It’s my favourite season.

I like to watch nature awakening from its winter slumber. Everywhere there are new blooms and growth. I would like to invite you to join me in embracing the practice of Beginner’s Mind.

The Beginner’s Mind practice encourages us to approach life with openness, curiosity, and a lack of preconceptions. We release the weight of our past experiences and preconceptions, allowing ourselves to see the world with fresh eyes and an open heart.

🌷Notice if you have any preconceived notions or judgments about a situation or experience. Try to approach each experience as if it were new, with a fresh perspective, as if you’re encountering it for the very first time.

🌷Instead of assuming you know everything about a subject or situation, get curious. Ask questions, explore different angles, and be open to learning new things.

🌷Focus on the present moment rather than dwelling on past experiences or worrying about the future. Your attention is your property. So, bring it fully to the present moment.

🌷Instead of seeing challenges as obstacles, view them as opportunities for growth and learning.

I like this practice because it teaches me to find joy in the simple pleasures of life. It’s okay not to have all the answers. I can learn to embrace the unknown with curiosity and excitement.

Let us approach this season with a sense of openness, curiosity, and wonder ✨

Sending a bright, sparkly spring energy your way!

Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.
Meister Eckhart 

Spring Awakening Yoga flow

We start with Breath of Joy, a warming breathing practice that has power to invigorate the body, awaken stagnant energy, and uplift the spirit. The Breath of Joy can be a wonderful practice to start your day with a burst of energy, to shake off any feelings of lethargy or stagnation, or to uplift your mood whenever you need a quick pick-me-up.

Next, we move gracefully through a series of grounding standing poses to improve our balance, body awareness and build strength in the lower body. We connect with the Earth’s energy.

Then we ease into unwinding poses, surrendering to the gentle embrace of relaxation.

Let’s embrace the energy of spring as we flow into the new season together!

Hit play and join me for a practice session. I hope you enjoy it!

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