
“If you love love, look for yourself.” Rumi

Yoga is a continuous journey of self-discovery, self-awareness and self-care. Wherever you are in your life, however you feel in that moment there is a yoga practice to support you. 

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Self-love yoga practice

Self-love is just like a muscle that you need to strengthen daily and every yoga session offers you an opportunity to work on that muscle. Through yoga practice you can nurture your relationship with yourself, foster inner peace and self-compassion.

Your yoga mat is the perfect place where you can ground yourself in the present moment and move from a space of love. Instead of focusing on what pose should look like, turn your attention inward to your experience of the pose. Try holding poses with your eyes closed. If this is too challenging then just soften your gaze. 

Enjoy being with yourself!

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserves your love and affection.” -Buddha

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FREE Mini -course

In this free mini-course you’ll learn to:

♦ Cultivate positive emotions like love, compassion and kindness.

♦ Meet your day with clarity, intention and alignment. 

♦ Deal productively with unpleasent emotions.

Develop inner strenght so you can move through the ups and downs of life with ease and a positive attitude!

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Every 1-2 weeks, I will share with you different yoga tools to help you move through life challenges with more ease, awareness and less stress; and plant-based recipes to inspire you to eat healthier. 🙂

Eat Like a Yogi
