
Practice gratitude every day.  Find joy in the way things are and be content for what you have. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.

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Practice Gratitude

Whatever you are doing right now, take a pause.

Please close your eyes.

Take a little moment to feel your breath. Breathing in, breathing out.

Ask yourself, what are you grateful for today?

“A simple moment of gratitude can lift your spirits & remind you of the best experience in life.”

Be content with what you have

We often imagine that we would be happier in a different environment or think that getting certain things will make us happier. Wanting always more leaves us unsatisfied in life. Gratitude can teach you to crave less for material things because what you have it’s enough.

In the beginning, I thought gratitude is sort of woo-woo, but I came across some science-based benefits of being thankful. 

Research shows that gratitude improves our physical and physiological health; improves sleep and boosts our resilience. It’s doing all of this by activating the part of our brain that is responsible for releasing “feel-good” hormones (serotonin and dopamine). 

Every time you think about something you’re grateful for you’re triggering parasympathetic nervous system, the system responsible for producing a relaxed feeling in your body and mind. Impressive, isn’t it?!

I started keeping a gratitude journal a year ago. So, every morning I write three things I’m grateful for. Sometimes I can’t think of anything to be grateful for even though I know there are so many wonderful things in my life. You can’t embody any quality by force, you need to let feeling naturally arise. 

In those moments, when I somehow forget them, take them for granted and don’t recognize them, I look around me or out the window and I find appreciation for the things that are useful and helpful. I couldn’t imagine my day without them. In my appreciation, I feel sparks of gratitude.

I’ve noticed that this daily habit allowed me to take pleasures in the simple things in life, like the ability to smell the morning, taste tea, see sunrise sky, feel snow on my skin…It connects me to the present moment. I focus on what’s good in my life which cultivates other positive treats in me. That’s how gratitude raises our spirits. When you focus on something you’re inviting more of that into your life.

Gratitude also helps me accept my current challenges and difficult experiences. I’m not saying you should be grateful for your setbacks; we can live without them, right. You can be grateful for the path you took to overcome those challenges, support you had from your loved ones and inner strength you gain.

As you can see, I’m very inspired by this topic. So, I created a new meditation practice in our online library. Gratitude meditation is one of the ways to express and nurture this beautiful quality of our heart. It will encourage you to be more present, less stress and anxious in everyday life.

Meditation is something to be experienced not learned by heart or explained in my words. Why not experience it together? 🌻

With gratitude & love, 


“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

Reflect on your present blessings, live more in your positive emotions and increase your happiness.

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♦ Cultivate positive emotions like love, compassion and kindness.

♦ Meet your day with clarity, intention and alignment. 

♦ Deal productively with unpleasent emotions.

Develop inner strenght so you can move through the ups and downs of life with ease and a positive attitude!

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