
“Motivation describes the wants or needs that direct behavior toward a goal. It is an urge to behave or act in a way that will satisfy certain conditions, such as wishes, desires, or goals.”

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Success comes from what you do consistently

Consistency is the key for whatever you do in life. Whatever goal you might have personal or professional, in order to be successful you will have to be consistent because we are what we consistently do. Everything in life needs the time and effort. The actions we repeat every day are part of our whole personality.

Do you want to gain strength? Do you want to finish a book? Do you want to have your own business? Do you want to lose weight?

The result never comes right away but little by little. The problem is that we get discouraged if we don’t see results immediately. So we give up on our goal too early and go back to our old routine. We get easily attached to the expected result of our actions that we miss to notice daily tiny changes. But the impact of those tiny, consistent steps will multiply over the time and … BOOM! Your muscles are strong and keep getting stronger. You finished the book and started a new one. Your business is providing enough money and you keep investing. You shed some extra kilos and keep maintaining your desired weight.

Why Motivation is garbage

You want to start running every morning for example. You feel very motivated to form your new habit. So every morning you put your shoes on and run. You feel amazing afterwards, more energetic and content. Then one morning you wake up tired and not feeling like going for a run. Oooopsy! Your motivation is gone. That elevated energy that inspires you to accomplish your goals disappeared.

Motivation is never there when you really need it. When you’re afraid, disappointed, anxious or exhausted. Therefore, you can’t rely on it to be there. You can’t wait to feel motivated to do things.

Happiness, excitement, passion, desire are some of feelings that motivation encompasses. Feelings come and go so we don’t feel the same way every day. The drive to reach our goals can’t be the feeling.

How do you make yourself do something when you don’t feel like it?

You are not motivated today then what do you do. How do you find motivation?

Anything you want to do starts with a tiny decision. You have to make a decision to move towards your goals or let your fears, worries consume you. You always have a choice to take control over your mind. You don’t need to feel ready in order to throw yourself into your dream.

All you need to do is to use the power of reason.

Why do you do the thing you do?

Why do you brush your teeth every morning? You don’t ask yourself “Should I brush my teeth this morning?” You just do it because you have a good reason. You go for a run every morning because it’s important to you to stay in a good shape. Because you want to feel content and more relaxed heading into a busy work day you decide to run every morning.

Use your WHY power

What is your “WHY”? Is it your family, health, work…

It is a feeling that force you to do anything even if it requires sacrifices, struggles and failures. Your “WHY” has to be greatly important to you.

You have to be absolutely clear on why you’re doing it. Tap into your values because your values are your core beliefs that guide your actions, behaviors and your interactions with the world. They will create the urge you need to move forward.

Once you have established your “WHY”, give yourself a visual reminder. You can see it every morning and night. The constant reminder will help you to do and achieve your goals even when you don’t feel the urge. You can rely on why you’re doing that and why you’re here. To follow your dreams, to achieve your goals you will have to do scary things.  

You are designed to do things that are uncomfortable, difficult and scary. In the beginning it won’t feel right, it will feel too hard but you do it anyway because you know you will feel great afterwards. Plus you know It’s good for you. After that action and effort you reap the fruits. The key is to recognize that pattern. You keep doing it until is rooted in your mind and body. You stop asking yourself a question “do I do this?”

Trust that all that hard work, invested time, enormous effort is leading you to your amazing destination. To a marvellous place you couldn’t even imagine.

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In this free mini-course you’ll learn to:

♦ Cultivate positive emotions like love, compassion and kindness.

♦ Meet your day with clarity, intention and alignment. 

♦ Deal productively with unpleasent emotions.

Develop inner strenght so you can move through the ups and downs of life with ease and a positive attitude!

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Every 1-2 weeks, I will share with you different yoga tools to help you move through life challenges with more ease, awareness and less stress; and plant-based recipes to inspire you to eat healthier. 🙂

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