
Are you always waiting for something or someone to motivate you? Many of us fall into the trap of waiting for motivation to strike before we take steps towards our goals. Waiting for motivation to magically appear can delay our progress and keep us stuck in a cycle of inaction. It’s time to take charge of our motivation and push forward even when motivation seems elusive.

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Motivation is a Conscious Choice

You choose a reason for your actions, and you either commit to that choice or you don’t. That’s how you experience a high or low level of motivation.
You can turn on motivation whenever you want and for as long as you want. You have power to direct your mind towards what truly matters, and to commit to those choices that serve you.

Motivation is at will in your mind!

You need to be present in your body to become aware of what’s going on within you – what you feel, where it came from, where you feel it, how long you’ve been feeling it, how it developed. We have 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts per day. 80% of those thoughts are negative and 95% are repetitive.
If we don’t make inquiries about our mental patterns, we’re destined to conditioned behaviours, our impulses, fears, regrets, and a life of reaction and distraction.

Reason is a secret for maintaining a sustained motivation. We need to choose to use our minds in a more purposeful way in order to achieve what we want.
When we are not in charge of our mind, we feel lost, stuck, and overwhelmed by unwanted thoughts and impulses. In those moments we need to remind ourselves that our thoughts only have as much truth as we choose to give them. We need to try to choose thoughts that feel better, positive affirmations that inspire us, anything that is more compatible with our desires.

We’re able to consciously design our ideal reality!

Motivation is a conscious commitment to your WHY❣️

I was always waiting for something or someone to motivate me until I realized that this attitude won’t help me actualize my dreams and become free. I needed to get better at riding the ups and downs, punch through distractions, and become my own motivator and cheerleader.

You feel motivated because you make clear choices and deeply commit to them! You want something better for yourself. Understanding the deeper reasons behind your goals can be a powerful source of motivation. Regularly remind yourself of WHY you started on this journey in the first place.

Unfortunately, this is not enough. You must believe you can make it happen! See yourself making it happen and from there schedule your next steps. The distractions of the day can easily steal your mental focus and make your motivation disappear.

Revisit your goals daily to sustain your motivation. Become obsess with what truly matters to you and put real effort into reaching your goals. Visualizing your success and using positive affirmations can help boost your motivation. Create a vivid mental image of achieving your goal and immerse yourself in the positive feelings associated with that accomplishment. Affirmations can counteract self-doubt and provide a mental framework that reinforces your motivation.

We need to keep taking steps forward despite distractions, fatigue, and environmental factors. Just one baby step towards our dreams every single day. We simply choose to give our consistent attention and committed effort to something meaningful. Our attention must be on what we want, our desire.

Why you do what you do

If you’re struggling to commit to your daily yoga and meditation practice, or to eat healthier, make a list of strong reasons.

WHY you do what you do?

Once you become clear on that, it will be easier to commit to the choices. You will experience a sustained motivation more often.

Don’t be slave to your impulses! You just need to make a mental effort to choose your thoughts and behaviours that support your well-being. We get what we think about, whether we want it or not. Nurture conscious mind and committed heart daily. ✨

Remember, you have the ability to light the fire of motivation from within, regardless of whether it’s a blazing inferno or a gentle flicker.

Thank you for reading this! 

Love & Gratitude,

Kristina 💜

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