
This guided meditation is a great tool for becoming aware of our thinking patterns and releasing the grip of thoughts. 

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Letting Go - Guided Meditation

Hello friends,

I wanted to share with you this short meditation practice that reminds me to breathe, allow and let go of any mental and emotional baggage. 

You will start by tuning into your breath, then go through a quick body scan to consciously release any tension you might be holding and then stay open and receptive to whatever is here and now.

I got inspired by this beautiful quote from Tibetan teacher, Tilopa. She shares 6 words of advice:

“Let go of what has passed.

Let go of what may come.

Let go of what is happening now.

Don’t try to figure anything out.

Don’t try to make anything happen.

Relax, right now, and rest.”

Let whatever is arising in the moment, thoughts, emotions, sensations, express while remaining in a relaxed state. 

Allow yourself to settle into your natural state of simple and clear awareness.

Wishing you a beautiful week, filled with boundless moments of joy……….

With love and gratitude,

Letting Go - Guided Meditation

To listen to meditation, click the button below:

“To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, things come and go on their on.”

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