
Lemonade is a simple and refreshing summer drink.

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Lavender-Infused lemonade

Lavender with its sweet floral scent gives this lemonade lovely refreshing taste. 

I had a picninc with my friend the other day. So I wanted to make some refreshing drink and came up with this lemonade flavor. 

You can also infuse different aromatic herbs like thyme, rosemary, mind or oregano. Be creative and make your own lemonade flavor 🙃

Take 5 Slow, Deep And Purposeful Breaths, Smile To Yourself. Set An Intention For The Drink.


  • juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 tablespoon dried lavender
  • 1 tablespoon sweetener of your choice (honey, agave ot maple syrup)

To Make

  • First, make lavender tea. Let dried lavender steep in 250ml (1 cup) of hot water.
  • Squeeze the lemons.
  • Stir the honey into warm lavender tea.
  • Pour the juice and tea in a 1L glass pitcher or bottle.
  • Add cold water and shake it.
  • Enjoy!
Use all of your senses. Notice the colour, the taste, the texture, the smell, how it feels in your mouth … Slow down, let yourself enjoy it!   

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