
Happiness vs. Peace: What We Should Really Strive For🤔 In a world obsessed with the pursuit of happiness, we often overlook a more profound and enduring state: peace. While happiness can be fleeting and elusive, peace offers a deeper sense of contentment and stability.

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Happiness is overrated

What does it mean to be happy?

You smile, you feel satisfied because you finally get what you wanted, and things are exactly how you wanted them to be. All is good until life gets in the way. Bye-bye, happiness!

Happiness is glorified in our culture. It is sought after through achievements, possessions, and social validation. We often look for pleasures to make us happy. It is frequently tied to external circumstances and pleasant experiences. Winning a promotion, receiving compliments, or purchasing a desired item can spark happiness.

But how long does the feeling of happiness last? The promotion becomes routine, the compliments fade, and the novelty of the new item wears off. And once again, we perpetually chase the next high, searching for a new source of happiness. Our happiness is always at the mercy of changing circumstances. Happiness is very tricky; it makes us use this precious present moment to get to the future.

As you can see, the happiness that we strive for so hard is superficial, conditional, and fleeting.

Peace is Underestimated

In contrast, peace is an inner state that is not dependent on external factors. It is a profound sense of calm and contentment that persists regardless of life’s external conditions. Peace arises from within, rooted in acceptance, understanding, and a deep connection to ourselves and the world. Peace is less celebrated even though it provides refuge from life’s storms and allows us to navigate daily challenges with a resilient mindset.

How does peace feel? It feels like coming home to yourself, where you find refuge and rest, no matter what storms may happen outside. There is a gentle stillness within you. You see things as they are and harmonize with the present moment. You are free from the need to constantly achieve or possess more. You can breathe deeply, live fully, and move through life with grace and ease.

We don’t need specific external conditions for peace to exist. We can feel it regardless of external circumstances. We cultivate peace through practices like mindfulness, meditation, and self-reflection.

Peace is profound, unconditional, and sustainable.

Happiness vs. Peace: What We Should Really Strive For

In a world that often prioritizes the pursuit of happiness, it is important to recognize the deeper value of peace. By shifting our focus from the external quest for happiness to the internal cultivation of peace, we can achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life.

But, we really need something to strive for, right? Well, let it be love, peace, and freedom. Let us practice acceptance, gratitude, and self-compassion. Let go of the striving for what you think will make you happy.

Real happiness lies within. It’s called peace. Peace only happens when you accept life as it is.

I used to think that the purpose of life is to be happy. Now I realize that the purpose of life is to experience it just as it is.

I gained this insight from observing people around me smiling while I was a walking pain and sadness. I felt sorry and inadequate for not experiencing that kind of happiness. Then I realized what I truly needed at that moment was to feel peace—to be at peace with my life circumstances and emotions in order to continue my journey.

In the end, what really matters is how deeply you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go.

Thank you for being here! 

Sending love and peace your way! 


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♦ Cultivate positive emotions like love, compassion and kindness.

♦ Meet your day with clarity, intention and alignment. 

♦ Deal productively with unpleasent emotions.

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