
Creating your future self by imagining who you want to be, and making tiny shifts to reflect that person.

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Table of Contents

“Good habits make time your ally. Bad habits make time your enemy.”

Step 1 : Ask yourself: “Who do I want to be? How do I want to feel?” Reflect on it without judging yourself for being who you are right now.

Step 2: Take a look at your daily habits and you’ll see your future self, the person you’re becoming.

Step 3: Then think about, what kind of tiny changes you could do to become the person you wish to be? Take action every day to reflect that person.

“What you’re now is the result of what you were. What you’ll be tomorrow will be the result of what you’re now.”

Creating your future self

It took me a long time to realize that the way I achieve my goals is far more important than the result.

I’ll give you an example, so you can fully understand what I meant.

Let’s say you want to lose weight. There are so many ways of achieving this. You can cut off sugar, and starch, skip dinner or breakfast, take Herbalife shakes, or follow strict diets. The immediate outcome feels very satisfying and motivating. Though how long can you stick to it? Rigid rules create conflicts in our minds. This is one of the reasons why diets never work.

So, the immediate outcome is good and the final outcome is unsatisfying.

On the other side, if you choose to eat heathier foods and make a few small changes in your eating habits, you’re on the path to dietless living. The problem with this way is that you don’t see instant results. The immediate outcome feels unenjoyable, but the ultimate outcome feels good.

To make a meaningful difference, patience is required.

I’ve heard this phrase so many times: “You get to fall in love with the journey rather than the destination.” It makes sense because journey is much longer than the time spent in final point. So, make sure you enjoy the journey.

The goal is not to lose weight, the goal is to eat healthier.

The goal is not to finish a book, the goal is to become a reader.

The goal is not to meditate for 30 minutes, the goal is to become meditator.

Your habits are part of your identity. If you want to change your habits, you must first change your underlying beliefs that lead your current behaviour.

What are the underlying beliefs around the current habit that are running your life? By editing continuously your beliefs, you become best version of yourself.

We have tendency to look for a quick pill, the shortest way to achieve our goal. Look for small shifts, play a long game instead. It’s all about moving sustainably towards healthier and happier life.

I can tell you from my own experience that you will be more satisfied and content if you make a choice that benefits more your future self. There is more value in taking actions with long-term benefits than taking actions with instant gratifications.

Thank you for reading this ❣️


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