
Begin your meditation journey right now, where you are. You don’t need anything to practice. Breathing in, become aware that you’re breathing in. Breathing out, become aware that you’re breathing out. That’s it. You’re practicing meditation.

Meditation nourishes the mind in the same way that food nourishes the body.

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Why should you meditate in the morning?

Practicing meditation first thing in the morning allows you to bring silence and stillness into your mind and body, and move from that space into a brand new day. Consistent morning meditation practice brings moments of mindfulness throughout the day. More you practice more you notice where your attention goes during the day. Remember, where attention goes, energy flows!

It’s easier to start practicing meditation in the morning because your mind hasn’t interacted with external world yet. The mind may be calmer than it is later in the day. You might also find all kind of excuses not to practice it.  The life simply gets in the way and you forget it.


Let all the dirt, heaviness, emotions, drama settle down.  5 minutes of meditation practice every day is nothing yet so effective! You can still reap the benefits of this divine therapy.

What is meditation?

Think of meditation as a tool that purifies your thoughts so you can see clearly the reality.

In meditation you focus your attention on your breath, or a mantra, body sensations, sound … At some point during the practice your attention will drift away. Remember that getting distracted is totally natural. Distraction is a good thing because you need distractions to practice meditation.

“Sit with” whatever comes up. The purpose of meditation isn’t to get rid of thoughts. Rather, you are learning to acknowledge your thoughts so you don’t become identified with them.

The key is the moment you realized that your mind has wandered to explore a new object, then you gently bring it back to the object of your meditation. Each time you bring your attention back you’re strengthening your relationship with the present moment. And that’s a sweet spot, where your mind and body are united and you feel truly alive.

Through the practice of “coming back” you will have more moments of “being here,” and less “being lost in your thoughts”.

To help you start your meditation journey

“A gift you can give yourself right now: Stop what you’re doing. Close your eyes. For the next 5 minutes, just breathe.”

Create your new healthy habit – 5-Minute Meditation Practices

I created a series of short mindful meditation practices to help you make a meditation practice a habit. It’s better to practice meditation for 5 minutes every morning than 25 minutes once a week. Each class can be used as a tool to practice mindfulness throughout the day.

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In this free mini-course you’ll learn to:

♦ Cultivate positive emotions like love, compassion and kindness.

♦ Meet your day with clarity, intention and alignment. 

♦ Deal productively with unpleasent emotions.

Develop inner strenght so you can move through the ups and downs of life with ease and a positive attitude!

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