
When you are in alignment with your inner self, there is more joy, peace and fulfilment in your life.

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Alignment in yoga

Alignment in yoga oftentimes is viewed as something you should or shouldn’t do. We tend to focus more on external cues while neglecting internal ones.

When you start practicing yoga from inside out, your whole experience changes. It’s not about how pose should look like but how it feels in your body. You tap into your bodily sensations to connect to inner wisdom. You discover how your body is so smart and has an amazing ability to adapt, change and heal on its own. Remember that any yoga pose is there for you and not the other way around. Your body has its own unique expression of the pose.

I’m sharing a new practice with you in which you can explore this concept of moving from inside out. This simple, short, slow, and yummy yoga routine will refresh your body and unwind your mind.

To watch the video, click the button below:

“Your mind, emotions, & body are instruments, & the way you align & tune them determines how well you play life.”

How to Be in alignment with your inner-self

Inner alignment means becoming more of who you want to be and showing up as your authentic self. Ask yourself, who do you want to be?

To answer that question, you have to tap into your values. What are your top three values?

Now look at your life. How much of the time are you living in alignment with those values?

For example: if one of your top values is your family let’s say. Notice if you are making enough time for family, if you are present while spending time with them and if you are showing up when they need you the most. Be honest with yourself. And don’t beat yourself up!

Now see how you can align your behaviour with your values. You might catch yourself worrying about what others will think about you or being scared of saying what you think and doing what you say.

Well, be ready to let go of external validation and need of approval of others to stay in alignment with your values. James Clear says “You just need to have the courage to eliminate everything that doesn’t directly feed what you really want.”

This exercise is so simple yet so powerful. By reflecting on your values, you get to be who you want to be. Start choosing who you want to be. It’s important to be very clear about our values.

To become the person you want to be, sometimes you will get to do things you don’t love doing it and things that don’t feel comfortable. We need to do things despite fear and step out of our comfort zone because that’s how we grow. Doing hard things that are meaningful to us.

Little reminder, you don’t need to achieve anything to be worthy of love and acceptance. You are enough just the way you are.

With love and gratitude,


“With the right alignment, everything you want makes its way into your experience. You are the keeper of your own gate.” ~ Esther Hicks

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FREE Mini -course

In this free mini-course you’ll learn to:

♦ Cultivate positive emotions like love, compassion and kindness.

♦ Meet your day with clarity, intention and alignment. 

♦ Deal productively with unpleasent emotions.

Develop inner strenght so you can move through the ups and downs of life with ease and a positive attitude!

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Every 1-2 weeks, I will share with you different yoga tools to help you move through life challenges with more ease, awareness and less stress; and plant-based recipes to inspire you to eat healthier. 🙂

Eat Like a Yogi
