
Are you waiting to be happy? Wait no further. Happiness lies within. It’s already inside you. 

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Are you waiting to be happy?

If only I could find a better job, or lose weight, or get a promotion, or have a child I will be fulfilled and happy. We are deeply convinced that certain conditions will make us happy.

We don’t like what is in front of us so we prefer living in the past or the future. We make our happiness dependent on the realization of our fixated desire which prevents us from enjoying life now.

Our desire for things to be different than they are causes a lot of dissatisfaction.

Slow down no matter where you are, pause even just for a moment to notice what’s happening to you in this moment. Take a few slow and conscious breaths. Notice if there are any thoughts of “I’d be happier if only …” Are you in that moment or on your way to something else? Is there something missing in that very moment? Acknowledge it and begin the practice of acceptance. Acceptance is the foundation for happiness.

When you become aware of the present moment without judgement you can experience life in all its beauty and imperfection without needing to change anything. 

Breathing in, I smile. Breathing out, I release all my worries and anxieties. Smile/release.

Happiness is a choice

We all want to be happy so we’re striving for things that we think will make us happy. But sometimes those things are obstacles to our happiness. We try to accumulate more and more, and we think that those things are essential for our happiness. We have an idea of happiness, how it is supposed to look like and feel like. What if this very idea prevents us from being happy. Can we release this craving for more and be happy and at peace with all we are and all we have?

In my last letter to you, I talked about the impermanent nature of life. As your thoughts, emotions, feelings are impermanent so are your successes and failures. They come and go so they can’t define you and your worthiness. Having dreams and goals and wish to grow and learn is a great thing if we don’t base our sense of happiness upon this. Continue to grow and better yourself from a place of being thankful and appreciative for the things you already have and what you are already.

Notice when you get what you really wanted, a new car, a better salary, that promotion… how long do you stay satisfied? It’s temporary, isn’t it? Desire after desire after desire. There isn’t an end point to get to because life is a process, an ever-changing journey.

Happiness is loving ourselves and our lives exactly as they are without the need to change anything. We don’t run from unpleasant experiences; we face our difficulties and discover a new source of happiness.

So if you are waiting to be happy, wait no further. Happiness lies within. It’s already inside you. Stop waiting for external circumstances to happen in order to be happy. Allow yourself to be truly, authentically, unapologetically you. Do not wait for happiness! You have everything you need to be happy.

With love and gratitude,

Yoga practice teaches us to be present in every moment, to breathe, and to feel. This awareness helps us stay present and grounded, and we learn to appreciate the beauty of life around us. 

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♦ Cultivate positive emotions like love, compassion and kindness.

♦ Meet your day with clarity, intention and alignment. 

♦ Deal productively with unpleasent emotions.

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