
Do we really need to use oil in our cooking? Why do we cook with oil?

There is always a question that sparks curiosity.

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How I started cooking without oil

I read a lot about how certain oils have healthy benefits for our body. Extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil are “good” fats so they’re good for us. We must add them to our diet. I am sure you have already heard or read about this, too.

Same as you, I strongly believed in those stories. I would even sprinkle my food with an Extra tablespoon of Extra virgin olive oil. Yes please give me more fat!

So what has changed my mind?

I enrolled in a course to become a whole-food, plant-based diet chef. The main philosophy of this culinary school is cooking without oil. My first reaction to it: “No way, that’s impossible mission!” Well I had to do it for the assignments, and to pass all exams.

In the beginning it was challenging, because I believed that sautéing with oil is a necessary step in cooking any dish. I was also attached to that smell of frying onions.

Long story short, in the end it was all about learning new skill and changing my beliefs. My big takeaway from the course was the importance of how we cook food in order to preserve their nutrients. Whole plant foods when cooked properly have the power to keep us healthy and happy. It’s important to provide good nutrition to our body, isn’t it!

So this is how I embarked on my new cooking journey.

Why I cook without oil

I will share with you a few reasons that really made me stick to this cooking method.

I’d rather have an avocado than a tablespoon of oil in a dish

Oil is a highly processed food.

We have already heard about “good” oils like olive oil or coconut oil. They might be better than sunflower or soyabean oils. If something is “better”, does it mean it is good for us? Coconut sugar is better than refined white sugar but anyway it’s not good for us.

We allow ourselves to be convinced that certain oils are good because it is familiar to us. We’ve been thought by our mothers or grandmothers to cook this way.

That’s why I decided to investigate a bit. Tina the explorer!

Are you ready for a cruel truth?

Any oil is highly refined and there isn’t nothing more inside than fat. All the nutrients have been removed. Even Extra virgin olive oil or cold-processed oils. They do contain a teeny-tiny amount of nutrients, but the fat outweighs those benefits. This fact makes this method the most sustainable way for weight loss.

I asked myself: “Why would I use something that has no nutrients in it other than fat?

I always prioritize my health over taste. That reason “It tastes good” isn’t enough to me.

Cooking without oil is a very useful skill

One of my big passions is travelling. I am a budget traveller, backpacker. Therefore when I travel I cook my meals. Cooking without oil is such a useful skill to learn. It simplifies the whole process of cooking while travelling. You don’t need to carry oil with you or worry about if you will find it in the kitchen.

I am not talking only about sautéing without oil, but also knowing how to dress your salad that still tastes good, or roast the veggies that don’t turn out dry.

You might not resonate with this kind of experience. But imagine running out of oil and you have guests coming over for dinner, and store is closed. Oh no! What do you do?

You have got the skill to turn the situation around. Oh yeah!


Healthy Heart, Happy Life

We believe that good oil increases levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL). Good cholesterol have many benefits. Have you noticed that some oils are labelled “heart-healthy”? It is because they reduce risk of heart problems.

I did a complete blood test to see if my diet is missing something. Guess what, I am low on HDL. Yes, more avocados for me! That was my first thought. Now you know, I love avocados.

My doctor said that everything was fine, nothing to worry about. But wait, my body needs fat. Mode has been activated- Tina the explorer!

The recent studies have shown that HDL promotes inflammation which later may lead to heart disease. Oooopsy! I found out that Asian people have the same problem as me, low HDL levels. They are also people with the lowest incidents of heart disease in the world.

Extra virgin olive oil is NOT heart-healthy!

I want to be friendly

I try to be as much as possible environmentally friendly.

The way how we make oils and process them have a huge impact on our environment. When we started promoting oil as “good” food, we were not aware of the impact that vegetable oil would have on our health, and environment. In order to produce massive quantities of oil, we have to destroy something. Millions of arches of forest are cut down, which destroys natural habitat for animals and other plants. Nowadays we use so much fertilizers and other chemicals to grow oil plantations. Those chemicals pollutes the water which harms the marine life.

Sustaining oil plantation requires a lot of water every day.

The production of oils has rapidly grown in the past decades. There are so many countries that depend on oil production. That’s why you find those oil labels- “rich in omega 3”, or “pure & all natural”, or “premium quality.”

Think about the Amazon region, where thousands of arches of trees are destroyed and the water is highly contaminated. It’s not only about palm tree oil. Different vegetable oils have different impacts on the environment. What varies is the degree of damage to the environment.

I don’t want you to feel worried now, relax! This is just an extra dose of awareness.

Now and then I still use olive oil or sesame oil in certain dishes where they can really enhance the flavours. When I make pie dough I use a bit of coconut oil.

My main fat intake comes from avocado, nuts and seeds (chia, flax, pumpkin, hemp seeds).

I don’t say Don’t Use OIL. I just want to help you to feel healthy and vibrant so that you experience true wellness. By opting for healthier choices daily, you can experience the power of your fork.


♦ Why do we cook with oil? We cook with oil out of habit and nothing more. We are conditioned to think that we have to add oil in order to sauté onions.

♦ Oils are the most caloric food on earth. They are fat, and nothing more than fat.

♦ We can still use oil in moderation, but it’s useful to know how to cook without it.

♦ Whole-food source of fat is much preferable than extra virgin olive oil. Our body doesn’t need fat from oils.

♦ By using less oil in cooking we can become more environmentally friendly!

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