
 FREE 10-Day Yoga Challenge to start fresh every day and aligned with your purpose. Re-energize your spirit, get motivated and enthusiastic to accomplish your day. 

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Table of Contents

“If you win the morning, you win the day."

Your energy and mood of the morning reflect your whole day.

Each day starts with sunrise, your day starts with YOU – your first emotion, thought & action.

We all face different challenges throughout the day. One tiny obstacle gets in the way and we are out of our direction feeling overwhelmed and stressed. I used to wake up thinking of everyday errands, letting thoughts flood my brain, and feeling constantly overwhelmed.

So I started incorporating different yoga tools into my morning routine. I realized that is much easier to cope with daily challenges, prioritize my daily tasks, stay focused and motivated when I start my day with a mindful morning routine.

That’s how I designed my perfect morning ritual. I want to share with you those routines that have power to transform your entire day. These simple routines can help you overcome the challenges life naturally throws your way. JOIN ME  to feel the benefits of 10-Day Yoga Challenge. 

Are you ready to start a new day with confidence, peace and positive attitude? 

Create a new morning ritual that gives you clarity and motivation to thrive every day. An opportunity to master the habit of showing up for yourself daily. This is a magic ingredient for a productive and successful day.

The 15-minute morning routine combines 4 magic ingredients for a productive & successful day.

♦ Your day will start with conscious breathing. By bringing your full attention to your in-breath and out-breath, you’re allowing yourself to be present in that very moment, in your body. WHY? When you connect to your breath in the morning your mind has tendency to come to it whenever it’s disturbed by external events. You’ll stay connected to yourself.

♦ Every morning I’ll ask you a simple question “What are you grateful for this morning?” Allow yourself to be grateful for most basic and essential gifts you receive each day but you take them for granted (your breath, your body, food, coffee…) Whatever it comes to your mind. If nothing comes to your mind, that’s totally fine. WHY? Gratitude cuts across the negative thoughts. It also allows us to see your life from the wider perspective, daily challenges as a way to learn, grow and experience life. 

♦ A short stretching routine will energise your body, improve mental well-being and prepare you for the busy day ahead. Take your mind off everything else, focus on your breath and be open to your body. You will learn to pay attention to your breath, your body, your mind, your energy levels.

♦ You will end your practice by setting intention. WHY? Behind every action there is an intention that fuels that action. Think about what you really want to accomplish, how you want to show up for the day  and you’ll spend time on things that matter to you which will boost your productivity, confidence and focus.  

The flows are designed to energize your body and refresh your mind; bring mindfulness into your morning; improve your mobility and body awareness. The classes  are for all levels and provide foundation for starting a morning practice.

You will feel grounded, clear-headed and in charge of your day.

BONUS - 10 Simple Breakfast Recipes (PDF)

To boost your energy and kick-start your brain eat a healthy & nutritious breakfast. You need the proper fuel  to start the engine 😊 These yummy breakfast recipes will support you on your journey.

It’s important to have a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Your breakfast shouldn’t be heavy, shouldn’t leave you stuffed and tired. It should satisfy your senses, provide nourishment for your body and brain.

These morning rituals won’t make your problems disappear but they will help you see different solutions, different opportunities, and different possibilities that you haven’t seen before.

Morning has a special energy where you can choose who you want to be and what you want to create.

Travel with Us

FREE Mini -course

In this free mini-course you’ll learn to:

♦ Cultivate positive emotions like love, compassion and kindness.

♦ Meet your day with clarity, intention and alignment. 

♦ Deal productively with unpleasent emotions.

Develop inner strenght so you can move through the ups and downs of life with ease and a positive attitude!

Sign Up for Learn Letter

Every 1-2 weeks, I will share with you different yoga tools to help you move through life challenges with more ease, awareness and less stress; and plant-based recipes to inspire you to eat healthier. 🙂

Eat Like a Yogi
